Registration Form FinnFest USA '99 |
On-Campus Accommodations and Meals (for details, see page 4 of this package) |
Wednesday, 7/21 |
8 AM - 8 PM |
If you arrive on Monday or Tuesday, your registration packet can be picked up from McMahon Dormitory. |
Thursday, 7/22 |
8 AM - 8 PM |
Friday, 7/23 |
8 AM - 8 PM |
Saturday, 7/24 |
8 AM - 12 PM |
We want your visit to be as pleasant as possible. Would you be interested in participating in the following events? Please check all that interest you and we will send you more information.
You may pay with bank check or credit card. Please do not send cash. Please send this form with your payment (checks payable to "FinnFest USA '99") to: FinnFest USA '99
you would like us to charge this cost to your credit card, please enter the number here:
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ EXPIRATION DATE : ___ /___ I authorize FinnFest USA '99 to charge my credit card: |
Signature of card holder Date |
(Previous page) |
Please make a copy of this registration form for your records. A confirmation of your registration will be mailed to you if you register before July 1st, 1999. Incomplete forms will be returned unprocessed.
Cancellation refunds are processed upon written request only.
Please allow 30 days for processing. PLEASE NOTE: No refunds after June 10th, 1999. |
FinnFest USA '99 |